
My name is Liz Wang and I am an artist who lives and works in New York City. I create vibrant collages inspired by the dynamic, creative city I call home. I hope my art will encourage you to see the color and energy around you! Thanks for visiting!

p.s. To purchase my art, please visit www.zazzle.com/lizwang* or click on the banner below.


Thursday, December 31, 2009

Empire State in Snow

This morning, I awoke to a city transformed by a graceful snowfall. In the early morning hours, the city felt peaceful. I tried to capture the view from my window with the Empire State obscured by a blanket of gently falling snow.

Wednesday, December 30, 2009


With all the bitterly cold weather the past week, I am dreaming of spring! I have an amaryllis growing that I envision will soon burst into bloom, as in this piece.

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Bringing Home the Tree

I have one final Christmas tree image for the year. My husband and I bought our first Christmas tree this year. We trekked up and down Broadway on a bitterly cold Sunday searching for the perfect tree at the right price. We finally settled on a roughly 4 foot Fraser, which I am proud to say I negotiated down $10 off the original price. It was great fun carrying the tree home through the city. We were even stopped by two women who remarked that it was the most adorable tree they had ever seen!

Monday, December 21, 2009

Christmas Tree

The first snowfall of the season transformed the city this weekend into a winter wonderland! This is a scene of Central Park in the snow with a Christmas tree in the foreground.

Saturday, December 19, 2009

The Perfect Tree

Over the last few weekends, Christmas tree sellers have magically appeared on street corners up and down Broadway. It's entertaining to watch families choose the perfect tree. Children enjoy this unique city festivity immensely. Scenes such as these inspired this piece which is black construction paper on white drawing paper.

Saturday, December 5, 2009

City Skyline: Central Park

In this piece, I portrayed a treetop in Central Park with the Citigroup building in the background at sunrise. In the northern section of Central Park, which is hilly, you can almost forget about the skyscrapers as the trees tower above the horizon.

Friday, December 4, 2009

City Skyline: Birds

In this piece, the third in my "City Skyline" series, I cut out a scene of two birds on a lamp post with the Empire State building in the background at sunrise. I painted the sky with watercolors. There is a spot at 110th St. and Central Park West where the street lamps dwarf the city's skyscrapers. From this perspective, birds on a lamp post appear larger than the Empire State building!

Thursday, December 3, 2009

City Skyline: Midtown

This is the second piece in my "City Skyline" series and shows midtown buildings at sunset. I painted the sky with watercolor and cut out the buildings with color-aid paper.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

City Skyline: Empire State Sunset

The other day I witnessed a brilliant sunset. The sky was a blaze of red, orange and purple with the Empire State building in the background. Looking up, I thought how New Yorkers rarely observe the sky, as it is typically obstructed by buildings. I felt inspired to begin a series of pieces focusing on the sky with iconic New York City buildings in perspective.