
My name is Liz Wang and I am an artist who lives and works in New York City. I create vibrant collages inspired by the dynamic, creative city I call home. I hope my art will encourage you to see the color and energy around you! Thanks for visiting!

p.s. To purchase my art, please visit www.zazzle.com/lizwang* or click on the banner below.


Sunday, August 16, 2009

Central Park Sunrise

Throughout this summer, my husband and I have enjoyed early morning bike rides through Central Park. Watching the city wake up is always a treat. This collage portrays the scene at the Great Hill with the tall buildings of the Upper West Side and Morningside Heights against the canopy of lush summer trees. I used gouache-painted paper to create this piece.


  1. Wow, this is gorgeous!! I love seeing what you do each day!

  2. Thanks! I hope to keep posting a new piece each day!
