
My name is Liz Wang and I am an artist who lives and works in New York City. I create vibrant collages inspired by the dynamic, creative city I call home. I hope my art will encourage you to see the color and energy around you! Thanks for visiting!

p.s. To purchase my art, please visit www.zazzle.com/lizwang* or click on the banner below.


Monday, August 10, 2009

New York City Sunrise

On a recent trip to upstate New York, I took the "red eye" bus back to the city. We arrived just as dawn broke. Approaching the city from New Jersey afforded a breathtaking view of sunrise over Midtown. Based on that vision, I created this collage with color aid paper. I tried to keep the composition simple to accentuate the glow of the Midtown skyscrapers against the rising sun.