
My name is Liz Wang and I am an artist who lives and works in New York City. I create vibrant collages inspired by the dynamic, creative city I call home. I hope my art will encourage you to see the color and energy around you! Thanks for visiting!

p.s. To purchase my art, please visit www.zazzle.com/lizwang* or click on the banner below.


Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Summer Street Fun

Cooling off and splashing around at an open fire hydrant is a summertime phenomenon in New York City. I was inspired to create this piece after seeing some children playing at an outdoor sprinkler in Morningside Park. I painted the sky with gouache paint and cut out the scene with gouache painted and color aid paper.


  1. This is such a great piece! I love how you have the children playing in the water. Keep up the good work!

  2. I remember scenes like this from my childhood in the Bronx. You've really capture the sheer joy of children playing in the water - you can almost hear them laughing and see them jumping! The colors and shapes are wonderful - vibrant and joyous.

  3. Thanks for the feedback! I enjoyed creating this piece.
